Remember Morrowind? Yes, the third part of the universally acclaimed Elder Scrolls series by Bethesda Softworks. Released in the distant...
Valve has fulfilled its promise to add non-gaming content to the popular online Steam platform with the addition of seven...
The highly expected sequel to Angry Birds, known as Bad Piggies, has finally arrived with Rovio launching the game this...
Fans of military strategy games have a reason to be really happy this weekend – the entire Total War game...
Just a week after the Borderlands 2 debut some players have reported a strange bug that deletes player progress in...
A large number of gamers eagerly expect this year’s release of two of the hottest titles – Assassin’s Creed 3...
It seems like the upcoming Nintendo Wii U will be among the hottest tech gadgets this fall but there’s some...
If you’ve had enough of Diablo 3 or simply can’t bear all the problems surrounding this game then Runic Games...