Modern gaming revolves around hardware most of the time – it is a question of life and death to have...
The famous Taiwanese hardware maker MSI has officially launched a new gaming laptop that belongs to the company’s GS70 line....
The US company Mad Catz, known for making various gaming hardware, will soon release a new mobile gaming keyboard. The...
Gamers looking for a fully-fledged gaming motherboard with a smaller size will be delighted to find out that MSI has...
The Taiwanese hardware maker Gigabyte Technology will soon start the sales of its latest Aivia Uranium gaming mouse on the...
The US-based maker of GPUs NVIDIA has announced a brand new way of working with its Shield gaming console. Starting...
The Dutch company X2 specialized in making PC cooling solutions and other various PC peripherals has announced the X2 gaming...
The US gaming studio Valve has revealed its latest product – an operating system that has been specifically designed for...