The adventures of the New York detective Max Payne will continue in the third instalment of the popular game franchise...
The expansion of the popular Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game will feature a new race of Vampire Lords as well...
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan revealed a new Silver Satin version of the PlayStation 3 (CECH-2500) which will lands in Japan...
At E3 Ubisoft has said that the company is currently working on a new stealth and hacking game, currently known...
At Comic-Con in San Diego, Capcom and Namco revealed, that are collaborating to produce the Street Fighter X Tekken, a...
The developers of the upcoming Dishonored computer game – Arkane Studios and Bethesda – have published the official PC system...
The PlayStation 3 first hit shelves in 2006 and in tech terms this is like a million years ago. The...
The Sony PlayStation 3 gaming console has been out for nearly four years now, in which time talented people have...