Enthusiast claims you can convert Radeon R9 Fury into R9 Fury X

A Swedish enthusiast, who goes by the nickname of 2good4you, now claims that it is possible to convert a Radeon R9 Fury graphics card into the more powerful R9 Fury X version. The whole story is unfolding as we speak on the XtremeSystems.org forums.

For years hardware makers have been disabling some hardware components inside processors, video cards and even motherboards to make them more affordable and the story may repeat itself now with the most powerful graphics cards AMD offers now. 2good4you has not listed details how he/she has achieved this conversion but we imagine that a modified video card BIOS has been used as well as (maybe) certain hardware tricks. The card used was an ASUS one so this trick may not work with R9 Fury cards made by other manufacturers. In any case there are pictures that show unlocked stream processors and TMUs so the whole story might turn out to be fully credible.

The truth behind this story remains to be confirmed by other people online but if the whole story turns out to be true, this may be really good news for AMD, since the discovery of this feature will surely increase the consumer interest towards Radeon R9 Fury cards. It is up to AMD, though, to make sure it sells enough R9 Fury X cards but it remains to be seen how AMD will do this, given users can really unlock R9 Fury cards.

Source: XtremeSystems.org