VIA may release both x86 and ARM-enabled processor

VIA has never been a major player on the CPU market but despite this fact the company has had a few interesting CPU models and inventions that belong to this field. Now there is some evidence that the Taiwanese company may release a new chip that can work with both x86 and ARM instructions sets at the same time.

There is no “hard” information on the matter and just two US patents hint of this upcoming chip. What we know is that both ARM and x86 code will be executed in the same instruction pipeline and that there will be internal instruction translation. VIA will eventually present a single-core processor but a multiple-core version is also in the works. Each processing core will also have a flag, which will contain information about which mode the chip will be operating in – ARM or x86 – after an OS reboot.

Right now there is no additional information on the matter and such a chip may never see the light of day but the technical possibility exists and we might as well see such a VIA processor. Who knows?
